Well-being plan

Each Public Services Board (PSB) must prepare and publish a local well-being plan setting out its local objectives and the steps it proposes to meet them.

Caerphilly PSB will do this by: –

  • Assessing the state of the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Caerphilly County Borough
  • Setting objectives that are designed to improve the county borough for its residents and maximise the Caerphilly PSBs contribution to the well-being goals for Wales

The Plan must set out:

  • Why the PSB feels their objectives will contribute within Caerphilly county borough to the well-being goals, and
  • How the assessment of well-being has been used in setting the objectives and the steps it will take

In drafting their plans the board must seek the advice of the statutory Future Generations Commissioner for Wales and take into account their latest Future Generations Report.

Prior to publishing their plan the board must consult, for a minimum of 12 weeks, with those people listed below.

  • The Commissioner
  • The Boards invited participants
  • Its other partners
  • Caerphilly County Borough Council’s overview and scrutiny committee
  • Relevant voluntary sector organisations
  • Representatives living and carrying out business in the area
  • Trade unions representing working in the area; and
  • Any other persons the board considers appropriate

Following consultation the plan must be approved by the members of the board, Caerphilly County Borough Council and at meetings of each of the other 3 statutory members.

Once published a PSB must send a copy of its local well-being plan to Welsh Ministers, the Commissioner, tthe Auditor General for Wales and the local authority’s overview and scrutiny committee.

This plan must be published no later than 12 months following an ordinary local government election.

The Wellbeing Assessment and reports from the public engagement activities

The Caerphilly Public Services Board has conducted this assessment of the local well-being of its area, as required by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and its associated statutory guidance.

You can find the Wellbeing assessment and reports from the public engagement activities in the What does wellbeing mean to you section.